What does Managed Shared Web Hosting mean?


Managed Shared Web Hosting is a term that refers to Shared Hosting (Shared Web Hosting) service, which is technically administered by the web hosting provider.

Most web hosting providers that offer personal or small business Shared Hosting (Virtual Hosting) services do self-service web hosting. Although there is no term as “Self-service” in the web hosting industry the pharase can be used to explain a web hosting service, which is managed by the account owner.

A Managed Shared Web Hosting service requires the web hosting provider to support the customer’s account client-side, to fix install apps and service, to monitor the resource usage, to do backups, to resolve issues inside the Shared hosting account and to troubleshoot it when necessary.


What does Shared Hosting mean?


Shared Hosting (or Shared Web Hosting) is a term in the Internet Hosting industry which refers to a number or Virtual Hosting accounts and websites hosted on one physical or virtual instance (server). Each virtual account has its own partition on the server in order to be separated from others. All those hosting accounts share the resources (processor, memory, bandwidth, software) of the underlying server. It can host thousands of websites.

Shared Hosting services is either name-based or IP-based. In IP-based virtual hosting each Shared account uses a dedicated IP address. The host server is configured with multiple physical network interfaces, or virtual network interfaces on the same physical interface. In name-based virtual hosting all Shared accounts on the server share a single IP address. In name-based hosting Web browsers request a resource from the web server of the host server using HTTP/1.1 which includes a certain hostname as part of the request. The host server uses this information to determine which web site to show the visitor.

Please note that term “Virtual Hosting” has nothing to do with “Virtual Private Server Hosting” (VPS, VPS Hosting, Virtual Servers ).