What does Linux Hosting mean?


The term (phase) “Linux Hosting” refers to a web hosting service provided form a Linux OS (Unix) based web server. Various Liunux distributions are used as server operating systems. Most of the well known, reliable Internet hosting providers run Linux distributions on their web servers.

Linux OS and Linux based servers are very popular because of the open source software collaboration, which allows the source code to be used, modified and redistributed from anyone. The distribution could be commercial or non-commercial under the GNU General Public License. The Linux OS is packaged in a format known as a Linux distribution. Some of the most popular Linux distributions used on web servers are Red Hat Enterprice Linux, CentOS, Debian, (Ubuntu), Fedora and openSUSE.

Often the term Linux Hosting refers to L.A.M.P Hosting service.


What does a Cloud Hosting Mean?


Cloud Hosting is a Internet hosting service delivered from a Cloud computing generation IT infrastructure. Cloud computing term generally refers to a systems which combine the computing resources of a number of machines in order to provide High Availability, ability to scale up and down the services and more flexibility to the users.

The term Cloud Hosting can be also associated with another one – Clustered hosting. Despite that as of May 2011 the term Cloud Hosting is pretty broad term which is not precisely defined yet, we can consider any hosting service as a “Cloud” if it is delivered from a fully-redundant, multi-server system, in which the resources are dynamically scalable and often virtualized.